Sunday, January 29, 2017

Music.... The Key to My Life

You have probably guessed by now...Music is a big part of my life. Along with my deep rooted passion for music, there is also my family and friends whose love and support I value more than life itself.  These six pictures represent just a small number of people I've been blessed to meet along the paths of my musical journey. We may have performed together, or recorded together, or even developed life-long friendships together...nevertheless, the common factor is the music that brought us together.

One of my all time favorite albums by Stevie Wonder is "Songs in the Key of Life" that 2 album creation changed my life! I was just a youngen' when it came out, but the music within became the soundtrack to much of my life's experiences.  I would sit for hours and listen/sing and dream of how my life would be centered around music. Even though I was way too shy as a little girl and even ashamed of thinking of being a singer ( I just didn't think I had the right look or sound). Just yesterday I celebrated a milestone Birthday of one of my most cherished childhood friends. We reminisced and shared memories... one of the biggest discussions at the party was how extremely shy I was and how surprising it is that I have now become a professional vocalist.  Even though the gift and desire was within me all along, it took other people (my family and friends) to see it in me first and to give it validation before it manifested in my life..., And, now, look at how things turned out.... Like I always say...Never stop dreaming, your gift will make room for you"

Thank you for your continued love and support...we ain't through yet, there's more to be written to this story...

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ASCAP: #4274530

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