Thursday, February 23, 2017

Listen Up!!! - Study Long and You Study Wrong

Up early reflecting...I've been through so much in the name of love and times I wonder what did I do to make him/her do me like that...but I've learned that I have to first look within at my own choices...I 'm grateful for the things I've done and gained in life. I have always believed people will be people, we all have our crosses to bear and lessons to learn. Do I wish I could re-write some of my chapters; yes...but they are all my story...The good the bad and the ugly...

2017 has started a bit rocky for your girl, and my circumstances have forced me to look within and to my Lord and Savior for answers to things I may be doing wrong or that I should change in order to prepare myself for the next phase of my life.  I have taken pride in the fact that I don't abuse drugs or alcohol and I treat people with respect, I'm not a thief nor have i chosen a profession that i can not discuss with my children and I've never been to jail, etc.....  But, I had to admit to my children that I don't have all of the answers all the time, and I am not superhuman.  I have tried to tailor my parenting and my adult life after the woman I admired my whole life; my Mom. She made it all seem so easy. Even though she worked two jobs we never seemed to go without and we were given most of what we wanted.  She never told us some of the struggles she faced and it was never apparent to us that she was struggling just like most single parents out there... Now that she has passed away and I am  "all grown up" it wasn't until one week ago today, that I finally understood that Mom's are human and we make mistakes. Often times we endure relationships or situations that are not the best for us thinking it's best for the children. I for one have made choices considering the welfare of my children over my own, not realizing at the time, I had options.

My point today is when faced with making decisions we always have options and our choices determine the road we travel to our pre-determined destination.  It's like that saying..."You take the high road and I take the low road..." I'm finding today that my choices need to change in order to take care of my priorities and to meet my goals.  

Anyway, these words were on my heart to share with you.... "Treat people (especially the ones you love) as you would want to be treated!!" 

Thank you for your love and support!!

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ASCAP: #4274530

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